I would like to ally. How can I do this?
Come by the fort and offer gifts first off. We will be very very judgemental if we aren't bribed to get the foot in the door. You must also meet some guidelines for allies as well. You must be an evil roleplaying guild. We will never ally with a guild of doods that say they are murderers so evil likes evil. We can't stress how much roleplaying is the biggest factor here. The better you roleplay, the better we will like you. Things to keep in mind is that orcs are HIGHLY racist. They will almost never ally with humans or elves.
If we do decide to ally with your guild, keep in mind that it will NOT be permanent. You will likely have to continue to offer us tribute to keep us friendly with you. Also keep in mind that orcs are notoriously hard to control. A few orcs would be well within the limits of role playing to ignore the alliance and attack you anyway. Don't expect to be able to come by the fort just to 'hang out' with us. Orcs ONLY do that with other orcs. Be sure you have a good RP reason to visit. Not matter how much tribute you give, any insult offered to an orc will likely be answered with violence.
Come by the fort and offer gifts first off. We will be very very judgemental if we aren't bribed to get the foot in the door. You must also meet some guidelines for allies as well. You must be an evil roleplaying guild. We will never ally with a guild of doods that say they are murderers so evil likes evil. We can't stress how much roleplaying is the biggest factor here. The better you roleplay, the better we will like you. Things to keep in mind is that orcs are HIGHLY racist. They will almost never ally with humans or elves.
If we do decide to ally with your guild, keep in mind that it will NOT be permanent. You will likely have to continue to offer us tribute to keep us friendly with you. Also keep in mind that orcs are notoriously hard to control. A few orcs would be well within the limits of role playing to ignore the alliance and attack you anyway. Don't expect to be able to come by the fort just to 'hang out' with us. Orcs ONLY do that with other orcs. Be sure you have a good RP reason to visit. Not matter how much tribute you give, any insult offered to an orc will likely be answered with violence.